Volume IIA – The German Forces, Mobilisation and War Economy: June to December 1941 (Part I)


Volume IIA is concerned with the Wehrmacht. All the significant German weapon systems and combat squads used in the campaign are analysed using the quantitative methodology detailed in Volume I, along with the contextual history. An assessment of each weapon system’s inherent ‘combat power’ is provided, as well as attributes such as the relative anti-tank, anti-personnel and anti-aircraft values.

Volume IIA then focuses on the detailed Kriegstarkenachweisungen (KStN, or TOE -Tables of Organisation and Equipment) for German land units. Also included (which is very important), is each combat unit’s actual organisation and equipment. All significant units in the German Army, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe and security forces are covered (including those on the Western Fronts); ranging from the largest panzer divisions, down to small anti-aircraft companies, military-police units, Landesschutzen battalions, and rail-road and construction companies. In all cases the data is presented in detailed tables, using the weapon systems and combat squads previously analysed.

Table of content

Operation Barbarossa: the Complete Organisational and Statistical Analysis, and Military Simulation Volume IIA

Table of Contents

The German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht), Mobilisation and War Economy from June to December 1941

List of Abbreviations


1. Overview of the Structure and Terms Used in the German Fully Integrated Land and Air Resource Model (FILARM)

1) Chapter IIA – 2: The German Personnel and Equipment Resource Database
2) Chapter IIA – 3: The Tables of Organisation and Equipment (TOE) for German Land Combat Units from 22nd June to 31st December 1941, and the Unit’s Actual Organisation and Equipment in 1941
3) Chapter IIB – 1: The Order of Battle (OOB) of German Land Combat Units from 22nd June to 4th July 1941
4) Chapter IIB – 2: German Land Combat Unit Reinforcements on the East Front from 5th July to 31st December 1941
5) Chapter IIB – 3: The Total Personnel and Equipment in a Deployed (D) State in the Reich from 22nd June to 4th July 1941

a. Section IIB – 3 – 1): The Total Personnel and Equipment Allocated to Combat Units and in a Deployed (D) state in the German Army, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe Ground Forces and Naval Coastal Artillery from 22nd June to 4th July 1941
b. Section IIB – 3 – 2): The Total Available Personnel and Equipment in the Reich on 1st June 1941
c. Section IIB – 3 – 3): The Proportion of Total Available Resources which were in a Deployed (D) State in the Reich from 22nd June to 4th July 1941

6) Chapter IIB – 4: German Mobilisation after 22nd June 1941: the Actual Strength of German Land Combat Units Mobilised from 22nd June to 31st December 1941

a. Section IIB – 4 – 3): The Total Resources Allocated to Newly Mobilised Combat Units from 22nd June to 31st December 1941
b. Section IIB – 4 – 4): The Total Resources in the Reich that were Available for Use by Newly Mobilised Units from 22nd June to 31st December 1941
c. Section IIB – 4 – 5): Resources Unallocated to any Deployed (D), MD or MND Units in 1941
d. Section IIB – 4 – 6): The Proportion of Total Available Resources Allocated to Deployed (D) and Newly Mobilised Units in 1941
e. Section IIB – 4 – 7): The Resource Replacements (R) Available to the German Army, Waffen SS, Luftwaffe Ground Forces and Naval Coastal Artillery, from 22nd June to 31st December 1941

7) Chapter IIB – 5: The Luftwaffe in 1941

a. Section IIB – 5 – 1): The Structure of the Luftwaffe: June to December 1941
b. Section IIB – 5 – 2): The Order of Battle and Actual Strength of all Luftwaffe Air Combat Units in a Deployed (D) State on 21st June 1941
c. Section IIB – 5 – 3): Luftwaffe Strengths on 21st June 1941
d. Section IIB – 5 – 4): Luftwaffe Air Combat Unit Reinforcements: June to December 1941
e. Section IIB – 5 – 5): Overall Luftwaffe Combat Aircraft Usage, Production and Replacements (R): 22nd June to 31st December 1941

8) Chapter IIB – 6: The Supply Distribution Efficiency (SDE) for the Wehrmacht on the East Front from 22nd June to 31st December 1941
9) Chapter IIB – 7: German Naval Forces on the East Front: June to December 1941

2. The German Personnel and Equipment Resource Database

1) German Light Infantry Weapons

a. Machine Guns
b. Small Arms

i. Rifles 22
ii. Sub Machine Guns
iii. Side Arms
iv. Hand Grenades
v. Rifle Grenades

2) German Squads Equipped with Light Infantry Weapons

a. Motorised Infantry Squads (Schuetzen)
b. Combat Engineer Squads (Pionier)

i. The Use and Availability of Mines in German Pionier Units in 1941

3) Heavy Infantry Weapons

a. Anti-Tank Rifles
b. Anti-Tank Guns (AT Guns) .

i. 3.7cm Panzerabwehrkanone 36 (PaK 36)
ii. 5cm Panzerabwehrkanone 38 (PaK 38)
iii. 4.7cm Panzerabwehrkanone (f) (Pak(f))
iv. 2.8cm schwere Panzerbuchse 41 (s.Pzb 41)

c. Mortars

i. Granatwerfer 36 (GrW 36)
ii. Granatwerfer 34 (GrW 34)

d. Infantry Guns

i. 7.5cm leichtes Infanteriegeschutz 18 (le IG 18)
ii. 15cm schweres Infanteriegeschutz 33 (sIG 33)

4) Artillery Weapons

a. Light Divisional Artillery (75-105mm Guns, Howitzers, Gun-Howitzers)

i. 75mm Field Guns
ii. 75mm Mountain Guns
iii. 105mm Howitzers
iv. Recoilless (RCL) Guns

b. Medium to Heavy Divisional Artillery (122-155mm Howitzers)
c. Heavy Corps Artillery (100-152mm Guns-Cannons)
d. Super Heavy Corps Artillery (200mm Plus; Guns, Howitzers and Mortars)
e. Railway Artillery
f. Coastal Artillery (East Front)
g. Rocket Artillery

5) Anti-Aircraft Weapons

a. Light to Medium AA guns (20-40mm)
b. Heavy AA guns (75-105mm)

6) Tanks

a. Panzerkampfwagen I
b. Panzerkampfwagen II
c. Panzerkampfwagen III
d. Panzerkampfwagen IV
e. Panzerkampfwagen 35(t)
f. Panzerkampfwagen 38(t)
g. Panzerkampfwagen 35-S 739(f)
h. Panzerkampfwagen 38-H 735(f)
i. Panzerkampfwagen B-2 740(f)

7) Command Tanks

a. Kleine Panzerbefehlswagen
b. Grosse Panzerbefehlswagen
c. Panzerkampfwagen 35-R 731(f)

8) Assault Guns

a. Sturmgeschutz III

9) Self-Propelled Artillery, Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Tank Guns (Tank Destroyers)

a. 15cm sIG33(Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B
b. 2cm FlaK auf Fahrgestell Zugkraftwagen 1t (Sd Kfz 10/4)
c. Truck with Rear Mounted 2cm Flak 38 (Kfz 81)
d. 3.7cm FlaK36 auf Fahrgestell Zugkraftwagen 5t (Sd Kfz 6/2)
e. 2cm Flakvierling 38 auf Fahrgestell Zugkraftwagen 8t (Sd Kfz 7/1)
f. 8.8cm FlaK 18(Sfl) auf Zugkraftwagen 12t (Sd Kfz 8) and auf Zugkraftwagen 18t (Sd Kfz 9)
g. 10.5cm K18 auf Panzer Selbstfahrlafette IVa
h. 4.7cm PaK(t) (Sf) auf Panzerkampfwagen I Ausf B
i. 4.7cm PaK(t) auf Panzerkampfwagen 35R(f) ohne Turm

10) Flame-Thrower Tanks

a. Panzerkampfwagen II Flamm (Sd Kfz 122)
b. Flammwagen auf Panzerkampfwagen B-2(f)

11) Reconnaissance, Signal and Observation AFVs

a. Leichte Panzerspahwagen (MG) (Sd Kfz 221)
b. Leichte Panzerspahwagen (2cm) (Sd Kfz 222)
c. Schwere Panzerspahwagen (Sd Kfz 231/232) 8-Rad
d. Panzerspahwagen Panhard 178-P204(f)
e. Leichte Panzerspahwagen (Fu) (Sd Kfz 223)
f. Kleine Panzerfunkwagen (Sd Kfz 260/261)
g. Panzerfunkwagen (Sd Kfz 263) 8-Rad
h. Leichte Gepanzerte Beobachtungskraftwagen (Sd Kfz 253)
i. Mittlere Gepanzerte Beobachtungskraftwagen (Sd Kfz 254)
j. Schwere gelandegangige gepanzerte Personenkraftwagen (Sd Kfz 247)

12) Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs)

a. Mittlere Schutzenpanzerwagen (Sd Kfz 251)
b. Leichte Schutzenpanzerwagen (Sd Kfz 250)

13) Armoured Ammunition Carriers

a. Leichte Gepanzerte Munitionskraftwagen (Sd Kfz 252)

14) Miscellaneous AFVs and Armoured Trains

a. Minenraumwagen (Sd Kfz 300)
b. Bruckenleger IV
c. Munitionsschlepper fur Karlgerat
d. Armoured Trains (Eisenbahn Panzerzuge)

15) Transport and Prime Movers

a. Horse Teams
b. Motor Vehicle Nomenclature and Development History

i. The Einheits Vehicle Program
ii. The Schell Vehicle Program

c. Light Transports
d. Trucks
e. Motorcycles
f. Light Half-Tracks

i. Leichter Zugkraftwagen 1-ton (Sd Kfz 10)
ii. Leichter Zugkraftwagen 3-ton (Sd Kfz 11)

g. Medium Half-Tracks

i. Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 5-ton (Sd Kfz 6)
ii. Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8-ton (Sd Kfz 7)

h. Heavy Half-Tracks

i. Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 12-ton (Sd Kfz 8)
ii. Schwerer Zugkraftwagen 18-ton (Sd Kfz 9)

16) German Aircraft
17) Fighter Aircraft

a. Messerschmitt Bf

18) Fighter Bomber Aircraft

a. Messerschmitt Bf

19) Ground Attack and Close Support Aircraft

a. Junkers Ju
b. Henschel Hs

20) Bomber Aircraft

a. Junkers Ju 88
b. Heinkel He 111
c. Dornier Do 17

21) Short Range Reconnaissance, Army Cooperation and Support Aircraft

a. Henschel Hs 126
b. Focke-Wulf Fw 189

22) Long Range Reconnaissance Aircraft

a. Junkers Ju 86P

23) Transport Aircraft

a. Junkers Ju 52
b. Fieseler Fi 156
c. DFS 230
d. Messerschmitt Me 321

24) Coastal Aviation, Patrol and Anti-Ship Aircraft

a. Heinkel He 59
b. Heinkel He 60
c. Heinkel He 114
d. Heinkel He115
e. Arado Ar 196
f. Blohm and Voss Bv 138
g. Dornier Do 18
h. Dornier Do 24

3. The Tables of Organisation and Equipment (TOE) for German Land Combat Units from 22nd June to 31st December 1941, and the Unit’s Actual Organisation and Equipment in 1941

1) Tables of Organisation Kriegstarkenachweisungen (KStN)
2) German Army Infantry Units

a. Infantry Division Waves (Welle)
b. 1st Wave Infantry Divisions

i. The German Division’s Organisation and Equipment: Enhanced Combat Efficiency
ii. 1st Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

c. 2nd Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 2nd Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

d. 3rd Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 3rd Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

e. 4th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 4th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

f. 5th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 5th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

g. 6th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 6th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

h. 7th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 7th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

i. 8th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 8th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

j. 11th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 11th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

k. 12th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 12th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

l. 12th Wave Light (Jager) Infantry Divisions

i. 12th Wave Light Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

m. 13th Wave Static Infantry Divisions

i. 13th Wave Static Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

n. 14th Wave Static Infantry Divisions

i. 14th Wave Static Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

o. 15th Wave Occupation (Static) Infantry Divisions

i. 15th Wave Occupation Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

p. An Overview of the Distribution of Equipment in German 1st -15th Wave Infantry Divisions on 22nd June 1941

i. Anti-Tank Gun Distribution by Type
ii. Field Artillery Distribution by Type
iii. Motor Vehicle Distribution by Nationality

q. 17th Wave Infantry Divisions

i. 17th Wave Infantry Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

r. The 250th Infantry Division (the Spanish Blue Division)
s. Separate Infantry Regiments
t. Separate Infantry Battalions

3) German Army Armoured and Mechanised Units

a. Panzer Divisions

i. 1940 Panzer Divisions vs 1941 Panzer Divisions
ii. German Panzer Division TOE vs Soviet Tank Division TOE, June 1941
iii. Equipment Shortages and Variations in Panzer Divisions, June 1941
iv. 1st Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
v. 2nd Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
vi. 3rd Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
vii. 4th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
viii. 5th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
ix. 6th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
x. 7thPanzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xi. 8th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xii. 9th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xiii. 10th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xiv. 11th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xv. 12th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xvi. 13th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xvii. 14th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xviii. 15th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xix. 16th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xx. 17th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xxi. 18th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xxii. 19th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xxiii. 20th Panzer Division: Actual Organisation and Equipment
xxiv. 5th Light Division (21st Panzer Division): Actual Organisation and Equipment
xxv. 22nd Panzer Division, September 1941
xxvi. 23rd Panzer Division, September 1941
xxvii. 24th Panzer Division, December 1941

b. Separate Panzer Brigades

i. 100th Independent Panzer Brigade
ii. 101st Independent Panzer Brigade

c. Separate Panzer Regiments

i. 203rd Panzer Regiment

d. Separate Panzer Battalions and Panzer Companies

i. 40th Special Panzer Battalion (zbV)
ii. 211th Panzer Battalion
iii. Panzer-Kompanie Paris
iv. 5th Company/Panzer Regiment 31
v. 212th Panzer Battalion
vi. 213th Panzer Battalion
vii. Panzer Kompanie FG z.b.V.12

e. Flame-Panzer Battalions

i. 100th and 101st Flame-Panzer Battalions
ii. 102nd Flame-Panzer Battalion

f. Assault Gun Battalions
g. Self-Propelled Panzerjager Battalions (Armoured)

4) German Army Motorised Units

a. Motorised Divisions

i. Motorised Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

b. Separate Motorised Infantry Brigades

i. 900th Motorised Demonstration Brigade (Lehr-Brigade 900)

c. Separate Motorised Infantry Regiments

i. Gross-Deutschland Motorised Infantry Regiment
ii. Lehr Regiment Brandenburg (800 zbV)

d. Separate Motorised Infantry Battalions

i. Fuhrer Escort Battalion (Fuhrer-Begleit-Bataillon – FBB)
ii. 100th Special Motorised Infantry Battalion (for Special Purpose – zbV)
iii. 300th Special Motorised Infantry Battalion (for Special Purpose – zbV)

5) German Army Cavalry Units

a. 1st Cavalry Division

6) German Army Mountain Units

a. Mountain Divisions

i. Mountain Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

b. Separate Mountain Units

7) Luftwaffe Airborne Units

a. 7th Fleiger Division
b. Separate Airborne Units

i. 1st Luftlande Sturm Regiment

8) German Army, Military-Police and Police, Security, Guard and Militia Units

a. Security Divisions

i. Security Division Variations: Actual Organisation and Equipment

b. Separate Security Brigades

i. 16th Wave Replacement (Ersatz) Brigades

c. Separate Security Regiments
d. Separate Guard Battalions (Wachbataillon)
e. The Landesschutzen Force and Militia Battalions (Landesschutzen-Bataillon)
f. Military Police Units

i. Motorised Military Police Battalions
ii. Motorised Traffic Control Battalions

g. Ordnungspolizei Forces

i. HQ Motorised Police Regiment (Polizei-Regiment (motorisiert)
ii. Police Rifle Battalions (Polizei-Bataillon)

h. Naval Security Battalions

9) Waffen SS Combat Units

a. Waffen SS Motorised Divisions

i. SS Das Reich Motorised Division
ii. SS Totenkopf Motorised Division
iii. SS Wiking Motorised Division

b. Waffen SS Motorised Brigades

i. Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH) Motorised Brigade
ii. SS Kampfgruppe Nord (Brigade-Nord)
iii. 1st SS Brigade Reichsfuhrer
iv. 2nd (mot) Brigade Reichsfuhrer SS

c. Waffen SS Cavalry Units

i. SS Kavallerie Regiment 1 and SS Kavallerie Regiment 2

d. Polizei Division (SS)

e. Separate Waffen SS Freiwilligen (Volunteer) Infantry Regiments and Battalions

i. SS Freiwilligen Legion Niederlande
ii. SS Freiwilligen Legion Flandern
iii. Finnisches Freiwilligen Bataillon der Waffen SS
iv. SS Freiwilligen Verband Danemark / Freikorps Danmark
v. SS Freiwilligen Legion Norwegen

10) German Army Corps, Army and Army Group Level Units

a. Higher Headquarter (HQ) Units

i. Army Group HQs
ii. Army HQs
iii. Panzer Group HQs
iv. Army Corps HQs
v. Special Corps Command HQs (Hohere Kommando z.b.V.)
vi. Motorised (Panzer) Corps HQs
vii. Commander of the Army Group Rear Area (RHG) HQ

b. Higher Headquarters Signal Units

i. Army Group / Army Signal Regiments
ii. Army Group / Army Signal Battalions
iii. Panzer Group Signal Regiments

c. Artillery Units

i. Artillery Headquarter Units (Harko, Arko and z.b.V. HQs)
ii. Motorised Artillery Observation Battalions
iii. Motorised Heavy 150mm Field Howitzer Battalions
iv. Motorised Heavy 105mm Gun Battalions
v. Motorised Mixed Artillery Battalions
vi. Motorised Heavy 150mm Gun Battalions
vii. Motorised Heavy 210mm Howitzer Battalions (Type 1 and 2)
viii. Motorised Heavy 210mm Gun Battalions
ix. Motorised Heavy 240mm Howitzer Battalions
x. Motorised Heavy 240mm Gun Battalions
xi. Motorised Super Heavy Howitzer Battalions
xii. German Railroad Artillery Battalions and Batteries
xiii. Coastal Artillery Battalions and Batteries
xiv. Horse-Drawn Corps and Miscellaneous Artillery Units

d. Rocket Artillery (Nebelwerfer) Units

i. Motorised Special Rocket Launcher Regiment HQs
ii. Motorised Rocket Launcher Regiments
iii. Motorised Rocket Launcher Battalions
iv. Motorised Decontamination Battalions

e. Anti-Tank Units

i. Motorised Anti-Tank Battalions
ii. Self-Propelled Heavy Anti-Tank Companies

f. Army Anti-Aircraft (Flak) Units

i. Motorised Army Anti-Aircraft Battalions
ii. Mechanised Army Light Anti-Aircraft Companies
iii. Mechanised Army Light Anti-Aircraft Battalions

g. Machine Gun Battalions
h. Combat Engineer (Pionier) and Engineer Units

i. Motorised Special Engineer Regiment HQs
ii. Motorised Combat Engineer (Pionier) Battalions
iii. Combat Engineer (Pionier) Battalions
iv. Motorised Engineer Bridge Construction Battalions
v. Engineer Bridge Construction Battalions
vi. Motorised Assault Boat Companies
vii. Motorised Type B Bridge Columns
viii. Separate Bridge Columns: Type (A-T)
ix. Armoured Mine Clearing Battalion

i. Army Construction Units

i. Army Construction HQs
ii. Construction Battalions
iii. Road Construction Battalions
iv. Motorised Snow Clearing Sections

j. Armoured Trains
k. Railroad Engineer (Eisenbahn Pionier) and Construction Units

i. Railroad Engineering Regiment HQs
ii. Railroad Engineering Battalion HQs
iii. Railroad Pionier Companies
iv. Railroad Switching Companies
v. Railroad Engineer Construction Companies and Battalions

11) Luftwaffe Anti-Aircraft (Flak) Units

a. Luftwaffe Flak HQs
b. Luftwaffe Mixed Flak Battalions
c. Luftwaffe Light Flak Battalions

12) Review of the Authorised Sizes of German Divisions and Brigades, from 22nd June
to 31st December 1941

13) The Principal Regiments and Battalions, Assigned to German Army and SS Divisions
and Brigades in 1941

Appendix A

Table of Contents, Volume I Part I: The Concepts and General Structure of the Integrated Land and Air Resource Model

Table of Contents, Volume I Part II: The Methodology Used for Analysing Weapon System Effectiveness, and the Structure of the 1941 Soviet and Axis Resource Database

Appendix B

Table of Contents, Volume IIB: The German Armed Forces (Wehrmacht), Mobilisation and War Economy from June to December 1941

Appendix C

Table of Contents, Volume IIIA: The Soviet Armed Forces, Mobilisation and War Economy from June to December 1941

Appendix D

Table of Contents, Volume IIIB: The Soviet Armed Forces, Mobilisation and War Economy from June to December 1941

Selected Bibliography

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